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Little Book Of Skin Care Ebook Download


The Little Book of Skin Care: Korean Beauty Secrets for Healthy, Glowing Skin ebook (PDF,TXT,KINDLE)+AUDIO VERSION

little book of skin care ebook download

The foremost expert on all things Korean skin care, Charlotte Cho is the board-certified esthetician behind Soko Glam, the most trusted beauty and lifestyle shop curating the best selection of Korean beauty products. Charlotte has been featured in national and international publications including the New York Times, Vogue, Allure, Elle, Marie Claire, Into the Gloss, Refinery29, and more. Charlotte lives in Manhattan with husband and Soko Glam cofounder, David Cho, and her miniature poodle, Rambo.

Hi Jessy, I purchased mine for my Kindle on Amazon. You can check it out on Amazon too! ? -Book-Skin-Care-Secrets-ebook/dp/B00U1ZV8EG/ref=sr_1_1_twi_kin_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1465944969&sr=8-1&keywords=charlotte+cho+little+book+of+skin+care (not an affiliate link)

Among the many skin conditions that can be improved are: cellulite wrinkles dry skin sun damage acne rough and bumpy skin age spots and hyperpigmentation Karen reveals the best skin-care products and supplements for younger skin, and includes a 3-day alkalising cleanse to fast-track your results as well as a 28-day meal plan featuring 80 delicious, quick and easy recipes.

In this second edition of her bestselling book, Karen brings you the results of her years of research and shares her tried-and-tested solutions for this heart-breaking condition, including emergency itch-busters, how to prevent chemical sensitivities, menus for all ages and skin care and non-diet information.

Learning how to create an ebook can be overwhelming. Not only do you have to write the content, but you also need to design and format it into a professional-looking document that people will want to download and read.

Your business benefits from publishing an ebook, too. Turning a profit, acquiring new customers, generating buzz, and becoming an industry thought leader are just a few advantages of this type of content.

PDFs are likely the most well-known file type. The "PDF" extension stands for "Portable Document Format," and is best for ebooks that are meant to be read on a computer (digital marketers, you'll want to remember this one). We'll talk more about how to save your ebook as a PDF later in this article.

This file type stands for "Electronic Publication," and is a more flexible ebook format. By that, I mean EPUB ebooks can "reflow" their text to adapt to various mobile devices and tablets, allowing the ebook's text to move on and off different pages based on the device's size on which a user is reading the ebook. They're particularly helpful for viewing on smaller screens, such as smartphones and the Nook from Barnes and Noble.

The MOBI format originated from the Mobipocket Reader software, which was purchased by Amazon in 2005 but was later shut down in 2016. However, the MOBI file extension remains a popular ebook format compatible across the major e-readers (except the Nook).

IBA is the proprietary ebook format for the Apple iBooks Author app. This format does support video, sound, images, and interactive elements, but it is only used for books written in iBooks. It is not compatible with other e-readers.

Ebooks can increase the visibility and credibility of your business while positioning your brand as a thought leader in your industry. However, these ebooks can sometimes be hard to write, even though they offer many benefits.

Remember: The goal of your ebook is to generate leads for your sales team, so pick a topic that will make it easy for a prospect to go from downloading your ebook to having a conversation with your sales team.

For example, in listening to sales and customer calls here at HubSpot, I've learned that creating ebooks is a massive obstacle for our audience, who are marketers themselves. So if I can provide not only this blog post but resources to make ebook creation easier, I'm focusing on the right topic that will naturally lead to a sales conversation.

(Note: Replace "x" with an appropriate number.) You can also use our free Blog Topic Generator tool to develop more ideas. Most blog topics can be comprehensive enough to serve as longer-form ebook topics.

For this blog post, I will use the PowerPoint version of template two from our collection of five free ebook templates. Through each section of this post, I'll provide a side-by-side of the template slide and how I customized it.

Some ebook creators say that an ebook is simply a series of blog posts stitched together. While I agree you should treat each chapter as an individual blog post, the chapters of your ebook should also flow fluidly from one to the other.

We only have one "chapter page" in the template (slide three). To create additional chapter pages, or any pages really, simply right-click the slide and choose Duplicate Slide. This will make a copy of your slide and allow you to drag it to its proper place in your ebook via the sidebar or Slide Sorter section of PowerPoint. You can then customize it for any subsequent chapters.

Ideally, our free ebook templates would magically match your brand colors. But they probably don't; this is where you get to truly personalize your work. However, because ebooks offer more real estate for color than your logo or website, it's good to consider secondary colors within your brand's color palette. Ebooks are where this color scheme can truly shine.

Since your ebook readers have probably converted into leads to get their hands on your ebook, use the CTAs within your ebook to reconvert your readers and propel them further down your marketing funnel.

Now, we don't have a dedicated CTA template slide in the PowerPoint ebook templates ... but it's still simple! You just have to duplicate the Header/Subheader slide and customize the copy or add images as needed. You can also go to Insert >> New Slide and work from there.

Why can't you just attach what you have to a landing page and be done with it? Word documents, PowerPoints, and similar templates are perfect for creating your ebook but not for delivering it. Because these templates are editable, the contents of your ebook are too easily corrupted, distorted, or even lost when moving from your computer to the hands of your future leads. That's where PDFs come in.

You've seen these letters at the end of files before. Short for Portable Document Format, the .PDF file type essentially freezes your ebook so it can be displayed clearly on any device. A popular alternative to PDFs is the .EPUB file type. See a comparison of EPUB to PDF here.

Your ebook should be available for download through a landing page on your site. A landing page is a web page that promotes/describes your offer and provides a form that visitors need to fill out with their contact information to access your ebook. This is how you can convert your visitors into business leads that your sales team can ultimately follow up with.

For instance, you should have landing page analytics that gives you insight into how many people downloaded your ebook and converted into leads and closed-loop analytics that show how many of those people ultimately converted into opportunities and customers for your business.

So, what should you write about in your ebook? I'll answer that question with another question: What do you want your readers to get out of this ebook? To identify an ebook idea that suits your audience, consider the type of ebook you're trying to create. Here are a few ideas.

Conducting an experiment or business survey? This is a great way to develop proprietary knowledge and become a thought leader in your industry. But how will you share your findings with the people who care about it? Create an ebook that describes the experiment, what you intended to find out, the results of the experiment, and what these findings mean for your readers and the market at large.

People love success stories, especially if these people are on the fence about purchasing something from you. If you have a client whose business you're particularly proud to have, why not tell their story in an ebook?

Ebook case studies show your buyers that other people trust you and have benefited from your product or service. In your ebook, describe what your client's challenge was, how you connected with them, and how you were able to help your client solve their challenge and become successful.

The more complex your product is, the more information your customers will need to use it correctly. If your product or service has many use cases or it's hard to set up alone, dedicate a brief ebook to showing people how to make the most out of it.

For instance, in the first section of your ebook, you can explain how to launch your product or service. The second section can break down the individual features and purposes your product is best used for.

Are you interested in interviewing a well-known person in your market? Perhaps you've already sat down with an influencer to pick their brain about the industry's future. Package this interview into an ebook, making it easy for your customers to read and share your inside scoop.

Sometimes, the best ebook for your business is already strewn across a series of blog posts. If you've spent the last month writing articles all on the same subject for your business, imagine how these posts would look stitched together?

Each article can begin a new chapter. Then, once this ebook is created, you can promote it on a landing page, link to this landing page from each blog post, and generate leads from readers who want to download the entire blog series in one convenient ebook. 2ff7e9595c

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